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Pet Proofing Your Country Home

Posted by Michigan Lifestyle Properties on March 3, 2022

Pets are a lot like children when it comes to pet proofing your home. Things that can be hurtful to an infant can also be hurtful to dogs and cats, especially during the holidays. If you just bought a new home or are thinking of buying, and you have pets, here are some things you can do to keep your pets safe.

In the living room.

  • Keep any cords tucked away out of reach.
  • Make sure any vents are covered (enough to where an animal can fit through).
  • Keep plants out of reach.

In the kitchen.

  • Put food away either out of reach or in a cabinet/pantry.
  • Put child-proof locks on cabinets.
  • Keep any cleaning supplies or soaps put away.
  • Keep trashcans covered.

Everywhere in the house.

  • Pay attention to any small gaps or crevices to make sure your pet can’t get stuck.
  • Watch where you walk. Animals tend to follow their humans and it’s easy to step on them in the process.
  • Keep any hazardous material out of reach or locked away.
  • Use common sense. If it is dangerous to humans/children, it is probably dangerous to animals.

Bonus tip: Christmas trees.

  • Use an artificial tree. Real trees can drop needles and, if ingested, can be very dangerous to pets.
  • Block off the area using a baby gate or a pet gate.
  • Train your pet to stay away from the tree.
  • Avoid ornaments or decorations that are made of glass, tinsel, popcorn strings, metal hooks or anything edible like chocolate.



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