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Cost of Raising Chickens

Posted by Michigan Lifestyle Properties on April 14, 2022

Costs of Raising Chickens – A Beginners Guide

So, you’re thinking of raising chickens! Chickens are a great investment and great animal to have around your country home grounds. Raising chickens can be as costly as one would like it to be. From traditional to custom coops, the prices vary!

First, think about where you’ll acquire chickens. Head over to your nearest farm and equipment store to purchase chicks, or try the fertilization method! Attempt to incubate an egg to hatch a chick yourself, it’s free! Otherwise, the cost of chicks are relatively inexpensive in comparison to other livestock.

We referenced to gather the following costs:

Coop $200 – $700
Feed $50 – $60/ 40-lb bag
Bedding $25 – $50
Fountain $25 – $50
Heater $35 – $60
Light $30 – $60
Fencing $50 – $70

On top of these costs, chickens require annual costs that can range from $300-400 dollars. If you’re looking for livestock that will be easy on your wallet, think about raising chickens! Not only do they provide companionship, but they provide eggs! If you would like to raise chickens to harvest meat, your costs will look different.

If you’d like to learn more click here!



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